
3 Tips On Making A Co Parenting Schedule For 2023

Creating a co-parenting schedule can be very difficult. Typically both parents want to spend as much time with their child(ren) as possible.  However, one must always think about what is in the best interests of the children, first, which may not always align with exactly what each parent wants.   The ability to balance everyone’s needs can be tricky, but you can use these 3 tips on making a co-parenting schedule for 2023 and beyond.

Understand What Is in The Best Interest Of Your Children

Your children should be your priority when creating a co-parenting schedule. Both parents need to sit down and assess the most important components of their lives and their needs. After assessing your children’s needs, you can then assess the needs of the family as a whole. Your co-parenting plan has to balance both. Once you identify the needs of your children, both parents need to consider constraints on building a schedule which can include the distance between the parent’s homes, the distance between their schools and any activities, and each parent’s work schedule. Based on the children’s needs, the constraints, and the needs of the parents, you can create a co-parenting schedule that works for everyone.

 Aim For Flexibility

Inevitably, things pop up from time to time. Flexibility is helpful for both parents and children. As parents, you can be flexible for one another in times of need. It can truly take a village to raise a child, so be willing to help out the other parent in the spirit that they will help you when you need it.

As your children grow older, you will also need to adapt to new schedules. They may start new sports, have new opportunities, make new friends, and have new needs. Both you and the other parent will have to adapt to new circumstances and harness flexibility.

Prioritize Communication

Your relationship with your children’s other parent may have ended sourly, but it’s in the best interest of your children to remain positive and in continuous communication. You will both benefit from keeping an open line of communication about your children and what is going on with their lives. Consider having a shared digital calendar to keep track of school, sports, other extracurriculars, doctors’ appointments, and other events. Having good communication with each other will also encourage flexibility.


If you need legal assistance with child custody matters or any family law matter, our attorneys at the Bair Wilson Sharma are here to help. Our attorneys practice family law with compassion in mind to give you the best legal advice and support through these difficult personal matters. Contact us today to schedule a consultation at




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